Left-Handed Celebrities Born in March
Crossword Puzzle

There are so many left-handed famous people born in March that we decided to create two crossword puzzles. We will unveil our second puzzle shortly, which will be about left-handed athletes. In the meantime, enjoy this crossword.
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Click here to see a list of other left-handed crossword puzzles we have produced.
​Clues & Answers for "Left-Handed Celebrities Born in March Crossword Puzzle"
This actor was born March 21, 1962, and married #14 across on May 19, 1997.
Answer: Matthew Broderick
This American actor was born March 19, 1955 and starred opposite Cybill Shepherd in the 1980s comedy-drama series Moonlighting.
Answer: Bruce Willis
Adam Levine was born March 18, 1979 and is the lead vocalist of Maroon 5.
Born March 17, 1967, Billy Corgan is the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins.
American actor Freddie Prinze, Jr was born March 8, 1976, and married Sarah Michelle Gellar on September 1, 2002.
This recording artist was born March 28, 1986 and launched the Born This Way Foundation in 2012.
Answer: Lady Gaga
Sarah Jessica Parker was born March 25, 1965 and played the role of Carrie Bradshaw on the television series Sex and the City.
Hal Linden was born March 20, 1931 and was nominated for 7 Emmy Awards for his role in this television series.
Answer: Barney Miller
Musician Chris Martin was born March 2, 1977. He co-founded this band with 3 people he met while attending University College London.
Answer: Coldplay
Paul Michael Glaser was born March 25, 1943 and was best known for his role as Detective Dave Starsky in this 1970s television series.
Answer: Starsky & Hutch
Canadian actor Alan Thicke was born March 1, 1947. He played Dr. Jason Seaver in this 1980s sitcom.
Answer: Growing Pains
Born March 20, 1957, this American film director is also famous for being an avid New York Knicks’ fan.
Answer: Spike Lee
Born March 1, 1994, Canadian singer Justin Bieber’s middle name is Drew.
Born March 15, 1933, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated by another southpaw, President Bill Clinton, to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until she passed away in 2020.